Pole in the Wall

Class: Intro to Pole
with Celina

March 5 (Wednesday)
at 7:30 pm

Class length
60 minutes

Session type
In Studio Classes

spots left
Class: Intro to Pole Class

If it's your first time near a pole, this class is for you! In 60 minutes, you will learn all about pole fitness, safety, hand grips, and more. 

We will start with a warmup that will go through the range of motion of all your joints, and then get you moving with the pole, introducing some basic movements that will prepare you for our Level 1 Pole and other All Levels Classes. 

What to Wear?
Something comfortable to move in like shorts and a tank top. Having open knee pits, armpits, and inner thigh available as points of contact to stick to the pole via friction is helpful. 

Check out our New Student Handbook and New Student FAQ if you have not already!

This class is limited to 7 students, so you may be sharing a pole with one other student.

Make sure you wipe everything down when you are done, and be mindful of the next class arriving. Don't forget to bring your water! Have a great class!


You Are Always in Charge of Your Body & Your Workout
For safety and learning, your instructor may offer students hands-on spotting during the class. Instructors will always clearly explain how hands-on assistance will be given for each trick, and each student's consent is always requested and respected when offered a spot. Students are not encouraged to spot others for safety reasons.


This 60min Class May Be Canceled if There is Low Enrollment: You will receive email notification at least 4 hours prior to class start time if you are the only student signed up for class to alert you of the class cancelation. 

You will also receive emails from Punchpass indicating your registration has been removed from the canceled class, so please check your email on file 4 hours prior to class start time for any updates. Morning classes may be canceled by 10:00pm EST the night before if there is low enrollment.


If you need to cancel your reservation, you must do so at least 4 hours prior to session start time, but bookings will stay open for dancers to register until this session begins! 

Arrive early (especially for our night classes) — here are directions to help! We lock the doors for safety after warmup.


You must sign-in to book a spot in this class.

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