Pole in the Wall

PSO Northeast FREE Info Session
with Mændy Mac


August 25 (Sunday)
at 2:30 pm

Class length
60 minutes

Session type
In Studio Classes

It's time to start thinking about competing at Pole Sport Organization's regional Northeast Championships, so we are having a FREE Info Session on Sunday, August 25th 2:30pm – 3:30pm to talk about it!

The PSO Northeast Championships are open to all levels!

Choose from a variety of different categories like Dramatic, Entertainment, Sexy, and more, and then compete against pole dancer peers in the same age group and style as you!

It's an amazing experience to be on stage and "have your moment" and training for a competition boosts your pole practice and confidence.

If you are interested, but not ready to compete, you can get a ticket to watch, or consider volunteering to help out behind the scenes.

You can be a pole cleanerstage monitor, or a judgeVolunteering is a great way to get involved and support your friends and fellow pole dancers.

Check out the PSO Northeast Competitor Packet and email us when you are ready to start training or if you have any questions about competing.

The deadline to register is September 23rd but we need to hear from you now to get you started on your competition training journey!

Past PSO Competitors & PITW Coaches Molly, Cris Rivers, Mændy Mac, and LisaBella are available for Private Lessons to help you choreograph and look and feel your best on stage.

We will also be offering training sessions on Saturday afternoons to help you with more specifics, like:

• Choosing the best category and creating a routine that meets the criteria

• Training your silly side competition tricks

• Endurance training to get through your entire routine

• and more!

And if you are not ready to compete on stage, but want to compete virtually, consider entering the Pole Sport Organization Sagittarius Virtual Pole Dance Championships in December and train alongside the Northeast competitors.


Sorry - that class has already taken place!
