Pole in the Wall

FREE! ONLINE Flex Fit Workout
with Mændy Mac


December 4 (Monday)
at 7:00 am (GMT-05:00)

Class length
30 minutes

Session type
Online Classes

Enjoy this FREE weekly 30min low-impact workout with Mændy Mac!

Your registration to this FREE session gives you access to a different 30min pre-recorded Flex Fit class every week via your Punchpass Content Library, beginning on Monday morning at 7:00am EST.

Registering for this session and following each workout every week increase your range of motion and improve your splits and backbends on and off the pole!

Open to all levels and all pole dancers! All you need is an account with us to get a workout with a different theme, like "side bending" "wall exercises" and more!

No pole required to workout at home — you'll just need a yoga mat, and some sessions may require yoga blocks & a strap or something similar to assist the exercises. 

The 30min workout will remain in your Punchpass Content Library under the header "Monday 30min Flex" for you to revisit the workout through the week. Make sure you register for each new FREE class by the Sunday night before each new class release so you don't miss out!

Let us know if you have any questions about accessing the video, or about any exercises in the videos. Remember everyone's body is different, and you should go with how you feel over how something may look <3 

Have a good time! 


Sorry - that class has already taken place!
