Pole in the Wall

Pole Video Movie Night!
with Mændy Mac

May 15 (Monday)
at 7:30 pm

Class length
90 minutes

Session type
Down the Hall

We all take millions of pole videos. But where can we share them?

Sure we can post some on social media. But some of us cannot. 

But there's no one to appreciate the thousands of other amazing pole videos from class, studio rental, and home that many times go to waste.

Don't let your unwatched pole videos go to waste! Send them to us, and we will showcase your videos on our Down the Hall studio big screen once a month where we can enjoy them together in real time! 

Open to all pole dancers in all communities of all levels. 

Your admission price goes toward refreshments! But feel free to bring stuff too <3 

Can't wait to watch everyone's videos and share how awesome we all are together!


Sorry - that class has already taken place!
