Pole in the Wall

Level 1 & 2 Pole
with Cris Rivers

April 22 (Saturday)
at 11:30 am

Class length
60 minutes

Session type
Main Studio

This 60min class combines students who are Level 1 & 2. 

Level 1 Pole:
Students will get more comfortable leaving the floor and going up the pole, using different points of contact and building stability. Level 1 incorporates spins, tricks, and conditioning moves on the static pole, to help you build strength and coordination, and offers more opportunities to try tricks on the spin pole to learn about momentum and friction. 

Level 2 Pole:
Beginner polers who have mastered the basic tricks on the static pole can take this 60min pole class that will help prepare for tricks up the pole. Upright tricks will be taught on the static and spin pole, different types of climbs will be mastered in this class. Students will explore handstand shapes and prepare for inverted pole tricks on the floor and basic inverted shapes building strength and confidence up the pole. This class will build awareness and muscle memory that will prepare you to be an Intermediate poler!

Class will end with freestyle, conditioning, and stretches and progressions will be offered for students of each level.

Feel free to stay up to 10mins after your class to use the mats, blocks, and straps to stretch and cool yourself down more if you need! Make sure you wipe everything down when you are done, and be mindful of the next class arriving. 

Arrive early (especially for our night classes) — here are directions to help! We lock the doors for safety after warmup.

This class is limited to 7 students, so you may be sharing a pole with one other student. This class may also have an online option, with up to 8 students joining via Zoom. 

Please let us know if you prefer using our Silicone Pole instead of Stainless Steel at least 2 hours prior to class start time so your teacher can accommodate. 

Don't forget to bring your water! 
Here's a helpful copy of our policiesHave a great class!


Sorry - that class has already taken place!
