Pole in the Wall

with Originate

April 1 (Saturday)
at 9:00 pm

Class length
300 minutes

Session type
Down the Hall

Atmosphere: an immersive light, sound, & dance experience

Hosted by Originate
Featuring Mike Incillo 
Performances by Mændy Mac

Saturday, April 1, 2023
9pm – 2am

$10.00 Advance Tickets Only!


About Mike Incillo
Since 1999 Mike Incillo has been perfecting his craft of blending, and mixing various forms of, but not limited to, House music, and Techno in many regions of the US, and Canada.

Based in Connecticut between Boston, and New York there is no shortage of resources, and inspiration from fellow DJ’s and producers.

Always on the hunt for the next new tune that brings all the feels, along with an arsenal of curated tracks from over the years, Mike’s mission is to spread the same emotions that each and every one of these tracks represent, and to connect everyone on the dancefloor forming a singularity for that beautiful moment in time. Mike spends more of his time playing other peoples music, for other people but has also dabbled in with some self released tunes under the moniker, “Cutthroat Gentlemen.”


Instagram - @iammikeincillo 
Instagram - @juicedcrew
Facebook - /iammikeincillo
Facebook - /mikevitoincillo

Juiced Crew | Muck Crew | CTG | IMP Recordings | Spotlighting (USA)

4:20 Friendly Outside
Alcohol-Free Event
Dress to Express!
Be kind and be respectful. Pole in the Wall has a zero tolerance policy against racism, sexism, ageism, homophobia, transphobia, xenophobia and any unwanted touching.


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