Pole in the Wall

Workshop: Building Choreography
with Savana

March 26 (Sunday)
at 3:00 pm

Class length
90 minutes

Session type
Down the Hall

This workshop is perfect for those about to create their routines for PSO Northeast, or for those interested in building on more than just the idea of "how do I get someone to move?" 

We will discuss, explore and build a piece of Choreography using simple key components, to level up the creative process. 

Bring a list of tricks you’d like to include in your dance, your song selection(s) and all your ideas. Cris will help you build a storyboard for your pole dance piece that will work for your vision. We will learn about the importance of a balanced use of strength, power, and flexibility in your routines. 

With advice from this workshop, you’ll be able to devise interesting and creative transitions and have confidence to express your concept linking movement. Great for those wanting to take the lead and step into the instructor/ choreographer role, or strengthen their solos. 

Open to all levels of dance and no experience required. 
Wear something you like to move around in that makes you feel comfortable.

The workshop will last 60mins and then during the final 30mins, students can use the poles to practice for an unguided Open Practice Session. Use this time to try the tricks in heels, stretch, condition, practice other pole tricks, use the fitness equipment in the studio, and to work with others who may be attending the session.

You Are Always in Charge of Your Body & Your Workout
For safety and learning, your instructor may offer students hands-on spotting during the class portion of this Pole Lab. Instructors will always clearly explain how hands-on assistance will be given for each trick, and each student's consent is always requested and respected when offered a spot. Spotting is not offered during Open Practice time and students are not encouraged to spot others for safety reasons.

Remember to cool yourself down before you leave class — ask your instructor for tips!

Please let us know if you have special requirements for your session so we can prepare them before you arrive.

Our studio is also equipped with safety mats, yoga mats, blocks, straps, stretch bands, yoga balls, and weights. You will have share control of the lights and music at a reasonable volume during your practice with others also using the space. An instructor will always be available for safety, but studio rental sessions are considered unguided practice, and rental students should safely practice only what they have already learned.


This session is limited to 7 students and you may be sharing poles with one other dancer.

Workshop Tickets cannot be canceled or refunded. If you can no longer attend after registering, please email us to transfer your workshop ticket to another upcoming workshop.

Arrive early (especially for our night classes) — here are directions to help! We lock the doors for safety after warmup.

Don't forget to bring your water! 
Here's a helpful copy of our policiesHave a great class!


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