Pole in the Wall

with Angelique

February 16 (Thursday)
at 6:00 pm

Class length
60 minutes

Session type
Down the Hall

This class is designed for all level dancers! We will begin with the basic steps on an individual basis, and then move into partner work. 

We will also take a few minutes to do a brief history of traditional bachata. All gender identities welcome!

Partner not a must but also welcomed. Everyone must register for class using their own account and pass.

Feel free to stay up to 10mins after your class to use the mats, blocks, and straps to stretch and cool yourself down more if you need! Make sure you wipe everything down when you are done, and be mindful of the next class arriving. 

Please remember to check if your class is being held in our Main Studio in Suite #93A or our Down the Hall Studio in Suite #95G. Arrive early if you are unsure (especially for our night classes) — here are directions to help! We lock the doors for safety after warmup.

This class is limited to 7 students. 

Bottles of water are available for purchase in our Main Studio

Here's a helpful copy of our policies. Have a great class!


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