Pole in the Wall

Flex Fit
with Mændy Mac

February 27 (Monday)
at 7:00 pm

Class length
60 minutes

Session type
Main Studio

This 60 minute online class will take you on a journey through your muscles through a serious of active flexibility exercises preparing you for splits and back bends that will help your pole practice, as well as help to prevent injuries.

Wear comfortable clothes to stretch in, and have bare feet. Open to all levels! 

Mats and props will be provided, but feel free to bring your own if you prefer not to share. 

If you miss registration cut off time, and would like to attend class, make sure you have an active pass in your account and there's still space for you to attend the session, please still come practice! We can register you when you arrive — but please try to register in advance <3

Arrive early (especially for our night classes) — here are directions to help! We lock the doors for safety after warmup.

This class is limited to 9 students. This class may also have an online option, with up to 8 students joining via Zoom.

Don't forget to bring your water! 
Here's a helpful copy of our policiesHave a great class!

This 60min Class May Be Canceled if There is Low Enrollment: You will receive email notification at least 4 hours prior to class start time if you are the only student signed up for class to alert you of the class cancelation. You will also receive emails from Punchpass indicating your registration has been removed from the canceled class, so please check your email on file 4 hours prior to class start time for any updates. Morning classes may be canceled the night before if there is low enrollment.


Sorry - that class has already taken place!
